sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2009

dupa cum am promis: Viata de student... in sesiune

New semester:

After 1st week:

After the 2nd week:

Before the mid-term test:

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During the mid-term test:

After the mid-term test:

Before the final exam:

Once get to know the final exam schedule:

7 days before the final exam:

6 days before the final exam:

5 days before the final exam:

4 days before the final

3 days before the final exam:

2 days before the final exam:

1 day before the final exam:

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The night before the final exam:

1 hour before the final exam:

During the final exam:

Once walk out from the examination hall:


After the final exam, during the holiday:

That's college!!!

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